My new office-mate (for that's what they call the woman I share an office with), Tammy, gave me two tickets to "Fantasy of Trees" in Knoxville, so Kevin and I went today. To learn more about the actual event go here.
Me standing in front of the peacock tree. After Kevin took this picture, he said, "You look like you're wearing a hat!" Thanks, hon...

A display of miniature trees.
There were some pretty cool ornaments, too.
And then there were all the usual players...
Santa Clause...

I couldn't help but comment to Kevin that my mother would have LOVED it--she loves Christmas, especially the Christmas trees. The only problem would have been we never would have left, for she would have wanted a picture of every tree!!! Though I didn't quite get every tree, this post is for you, Momma!
We took several splendid pictures that we hope you enjoy!
This was one of the first trees we came across. The trees are decorated to be sold, and the proceeds are given to charity, and there were several peacock-themed trees. Having always loved peacocks, I like the idea--even if the feathers on top were a little odd. :)
REAL peacock feathers on it! Such amazing colors!
Some that were just cute. (Notice the "It's a boy" and "It's a girl" signs on them....)
I've always been fond of Snow Men.
Some ballerinas (who were absolutely adorable!):
A guardian angel (who looked surprisingly like Angelina Jolie, we decided) with her reindeer (we're still trying to figure that one out)...
(I think we decided how we're going to broach this topic with our children...ask if you want to know. :)
Last...a garage band of penguins?
Kevin assured me it's their mascot, but I'm not entirely convinced....
This one's also for Mom. She likes lambs, and I thought she'd get a kick out of these little guys...
And there you have it! Knoxville Fantasy of Trees, 2008.
It was enjoyable, crowded, pretty, consumerist, relaxing, and costly....
But it was free (to us) and at this stage in the game, that's really what we're all about.
So, Merry Christmas! From us to you. May your Christmas season be a celebration of what the season is truly about...
That is so awesome that you loved the peacock tree! I don't know if you remember Jessie Burkhart (he graduated our sophomore year), but he was the one who donated and decorated that tree.
so I have to ask (this is Megan from church) how do you all plan to take on "Santa Claus" if you are blessed with children? I just wondered. As a mom of two I have heard many takes on this topic from various Chirstian families. Thanks!
I too want to know how you're going to approach Santa with your kiddo's...I'll be waiting to hear! :) family didn't do santa claus growing up but daniel's did...what have you two decided?
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