Monday, January 19, 2009

I'm Dreaming of a White Inauguration Day

You know--white--like snow. :-)

Such was the song that exited Kevin's lips as he pines for the weather to continue just a few more hours--long enough for school to be canceled so he can stay home and drool over the inauguration all day.  Such does not seem the case, as the snow is already slowing, but he can hope, right? :-)

1 comment:

Megan and Ryan Reed said...

Hey, I didn't know you guys live in Knoxville!!! We grew up there and when we got married we lived in some apartments behind west town mall. Unfortunately we live in Loudon now and can't wait to move back to the Knoxville area. We miss having shopping and things to do so close. We currently drive to knoxville atleast 3 times a week, sometimes nearly everyday. Congrats on your finishing up your training/learning!