Tuesday, December 16, 2008

It's the Little Things in Life


A clean tank. Doesn't he look appreciative?

New Vaccuum Filters.

(For the sake of my pride, I will not tell you how long it's been since our last vaccuum. Needless to say, I learned that our vaccuum actually needed a filter, and I ordered them on Amazon. They arrived yesterday. Rejoicing in the land!)

Folded Laundry--'nuff said.
Our own little bit of Christmas.
May you find joy where you least expect it this Christmas season!

1 comment:

Akprestons said...

I'm so with you on the vacuum bag thing. I forget to change the bag when it gets full and then can't believe how light it suddenly becomes after changing it! haha

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Hope you guys have a great one! :)

love jess