So, we've done it.
We've scouted the apartments, signed the papers, packed our earthly belongings, and carted it all up here. Now, the fun part. :)
I'm not a huge fan of the hectic hours, the emotional turmoil, the stressful stacks of boxes, or the "how on earth are we going to arrange it all" questions. I do, however, like organizing, arranging, sorting, and (best of all) throwing/giving away--all of which moving is conducive to.
I'd like to give you some Before and After pictures of our new apartment. Please keep in mind that these are semi-premature "after" pictures, as we've only been here very few days. We set our "let's get (sorta) settled" date at a week, and so here is our move-in-up-to-one-week progress. :)
Dining Room: Before. We had no chairs for our dining room table (we made a to-purchase list, and those were near the top), and my dad's old dresser is standing in as a pantry of sorts.
Dining Room: After. Initially, I bought only two chairs for our table (the light wood ones), vowing that we'd find two more "eventually." Well, I went garage sailing recently and found the other two at a smashing $10 a piece!
Bedroom: After. We have no "before" pictures--Life was a little too chaotic at that point. :)
Last, this is a picture of our first real meal in our new apartment. After several nights of Taco Bell and left over Papa John's eaten on the couch because we didn't have any chairs, we finally ate some oven fried chicken and peaches. It was delectable.
HI! I'm *so* excited to have found another newly-wed couple amongst our 'Christian/homeschool-oriented/conservative bloggers! lol... I found you through 'First Fruits Farm's blog, who links to my sister Jenig (if that makes any sense). Anyways, I wanted to tell you that I love what you've done with your little home! Isn't it fun personalizing and making our own little space a home!? You can see that's the main focus at our blog too.. lol But it looks great, you guys are doing awesome! ANyways, I'll stop gabbing for now, but come visit me if you want ( Lord bless you guys and your new adventures! It's a wild ride! :)
Hey, it's Megan Reed from Grace. I think we have the same figurine of the wedding couple in white glased porcelain. We used ours on our wedding cake as the topper and I display ours on a shelf as well. Neato!
Thanks for the comment(s)!! You totally made me laugh out loud about not knowing my sister, and then realizing you go to the same (small) church as her! lol! You're very blessed to live close enough to go to Grace. We always go there when we're out visiting my sister and her family, and we absolutely love it! I wish we could find a church like that around here. Ours is good, but just not the same... Anyways, you're right in that Alaska *looks* warm from the last pics I posted, but it really isn't. Actually, this past summer has been the coldest, cloudiest summer on record. Kind of a bummer, but it's been good in terms of me learning how to 'be content with such things as ye have'... I've been guilty of allowing the weather to dictate my mood more than it should at times. Anyways, this comment is turning into a novel, so I'll be done for now! Feel free to email if you want- or comment back! Oh, and I forgot to post the 'normal' pic of our group on my blog til just now. I'm such a retard. So check it out if you want! haha (you probably thought we were a bunch of crazy people... can't even take a normal picture! lol)
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