I began the moving process long before we actually moved. I'm not a do-it-all-at-once type person in that respect. I think it made Kevin laugh, but I started packing up the day he gave me the go ahead--about three weeks ago. The end result was we lived out of boxes until we officially began our move. Another result, however, was that when Kevin got the call offering him a job, we were moved to Knoxville a matter of days later.
Our living room. Can you find Kevin? :)

Our bedroom. There was a point where we both quit caring, realizing that it was only going to be moved and could be organized/cleaned up then. Indeed, it is slightly less sightly (try saying that five times fast. :)

The view from the bedroom. Since most of the furniture was not ours, moving from our apartment was a bit more simple of a task.

The kitchen. It is difficult to know when to move the food, because when the food goes to the new home to live, so, too, must we.

We thoroughly enjoyed our time in this little home. As a first apartment, it was far above and beyond what we could ever have hoped for. The Lord blesses in His time, in His way, and for His purpose.
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!
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