Sunday, July 6, 2008

Let Those Toes Breathe!

As previously mentioned, it's summer here in good ol' Tennessee--for those who didn't already know or by chance happen to live somewhere where it's not actually summer currently. :)

Anyone who knows me knows that I have a particular liking of shoes. It's always been there, and it probably always will be. One of my favorite parts of summer are, in fact, the shoes--er--sandals that we're able to wear.
I have also, conveniently enough, made some friends at work who just so happen to share my shoe size (couldn't have planned that one ;). Recently my friend Shauna gave me a pair, and they're just so darn cute, I had to share them with you (notice the pink toenail polish!).
And, as I was outside photographing, my Kevin came outside to watch, so I now have to share with you the actual picture of my two favorite parts of summer: my husband and my shoes (in that order, of course!).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like you have a foot odor problem. HeHeHe!