This evening Lydia and I had a delightful time in each other's company. With her sporadic work schedule and my hectic
academic calendar, it has bee

n awhile since she and I got to spend some quality time together. Yet, as mentioned, we remedied this problem last evening. After having an amazing dinner (cooked by Lydia) of beef stew and Waldorf salad, we spent time with our pets. Well, they are not actually our pets, as those who have visited us can confirm. They are our neighbors' two dogs: Dolly--a golden retriever--and Rocket a Gordon Settler. Though it is always questionable to show
favoritism towards a family member, Lydia and I have both confirmed that Dolly is our favorite. (Rocket is a beautiful dog and all, but she is just a bit socially awkward.) Here is a picture of Dolly on our porch, and the picture below it reveals her one true passion--a game of fetch. Dolly loves to jump off the side of our mountain in pursuit of her ball. She is a great companion up here on the mountain.
As the third picture can confirm, there was an unpleasant interruption to our evening. It appears that our bathroom door became locked and we had no way of unlocking it without climbing into a two story window. Thankfully, our bathroom window was unlocked or this would have been the beginning of an unpleasant,
bathroom-less weekend.

After the bathroom door fiasco, Lydia and I took a brief stroll around our neighborhood. The fall colors are setting in and this amplifies the beauty of Shadow Mountain. Lydia and I not only saw a reminder of fall, but also Halloween. On our travels we saw a lone bat flying above our heads. Lydia, who evidently appreciates all of Creation, called the bat "cute"--which, reportedly, she is the only woman to call a flying rodent as such.
I know that many of the individuals reading this are doing so because Lydia and I began our "advertising campaign" to promote

our blog. If this is true, we want to welcome you to our home on the web. As you probably read in an earlier post, I consider myself to be rather techno-savvy when it comes to these types of things, so please allow me to make a recommendation. There is a terrific program on the web called
Google Reader. This fantastic program not only bookmarks all of the blogs and other
RSS embeded websites that you frequently read, but gives notifications when we (or your other favorite websites) update our blogs. In the words of Google, "It is like an Inbox for the Internet." I strongly suggest that you check it out.