Thursday, February 5, 2009

The One Minute Rule

I can take no credit for the following advice.  It wasn't mine, and I didn't ask for it, but it has revolutionized the last few months of my life in a big way...okay, so that's a little melodramatic.  But I am grateful for it.  

Ready?  Here goes:

During the course of the day, if you encounter a task that will take less than a minute to do, do it right then and don't wait.  

Sound pretty basic?  Well, it is, but I don't know how many shoes I trip over, coats I move over, and dishes I stack because I'm too lazy to take care of them right when I take them off or right when I'm done using them.

There is little reason to put off the inevitable.  It only takes a minute--precious little time comparatively--and it saves precious much hassle down the road.

Want more of these great hints, tips, tricks, and ideas?

Check out Real Simple's website (  for lots and lots of practical advice--FREE!!!!  Gotta love that!

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