Saturday, October 4, 2008

Worst Field Trip...Ever

You know, when you spend weeks organizing a field trip with your social studies colleagues, you hope to open up the paper the next day to read the headlines "8th Grade Class Relives The Civil War During Fort Sander's Reenactment" and you pray that you do not receive headlines saying "Mystery Illness Sends 40 Students To Hospital During 8th Grade Field Trip." Unfortunately (as the hyperlink suggests) my colleagues and I received the latter. 

However, I am on the other hand elated to read this headline: Jury Finds [O.J.] Simpson Guilty. I'm just pretending that there was a 14 year transition time to get his affairs in order before he was arraigned for life in prison for the murder of his wife and her "friend". While I was in college, I took special interest in O.J. Simpson and Double Jeopardy protections found in the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution. I somehow hoped for a loop hole that if evidence was incriminating and long enough, that a mistrial could be filed. Yet, everyone knows that this is not the case. 

...I pray that Simpson never sees the sunshine again. This is truly justice delayed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

did they ever find our what caused it? I'm trying really hard not to tease you/blame you somehow!