Wednesday, October 8, 2008


It's been quite the week...I've been to the doctor three times (a different one each time) and finally was given the diagnosis of strep throat for which (the correct) medication was prescribed. Yesterday, I turned twenty five years old (old? nah!), and today I made my first trip to the grocery store in about two weeks. My poor husband has been on his own (literally and figuratively) this last week as our pantry dwindled more and more. All I could do was watch from the couch....
Thankfully, however, those days are behind us (for now), and we're on the mend! Praise the Lord! :)
A couple pictures:
With the walls painted, it was time to do some hanging...Nice touch, eh?

And not just hanging pictures and shelves...curtains! I'm a huge fan of windows--the bigger the better. We're fortunate to have two windows in our bedroom. They don't, however, lend that homey feel until they're hemmed in something to make them more cozy. I wasn't an immediate fan, but this shade of orange did grow on me...What do you think? It's called "spice."

Fall is definitely upon us. Though the temperatures still have some catching up to do, the colors are coming! This is the view from our office window.

I love the fall colors! :-)

It's always a big deal to me when we can afford fruit. Would that we could grow our own, and maybe one day we will, but for now, we buy picked for us. What beautiful colors we have to enjoy as we eat!

And that's it from this end of randomness....Until next time! :-)


Akprestons said...

Oh, i like the 'spice' curtains! Very nice! You definitely have talent in the decor department. not me man. I leave most of that up to my hubby. For some odd reason, he has a much better eye for that stuff than I do (same thing with fashion too.. he picks out most of my outfits when we go shopping-lol). Have I mentioned that I LOVE the color of your walls?? It adds SO much... but it's a lot of work too. I wish we could come visit my sister and you guys. SOMEday I want to see Tennessee in the Fall.

Cameron and Andrew said...

AHHHHHH! We missed your birthday!!! What a punk of a friend! Plus you have celebrated your one year anniversary already! Well you two look great and your home is so colorful and cheery- I really like it:) Love and miss you- Cam and Drew

Akprestons said...

I need your address... can you email it to me??

... and, you need to blog again! :)

love jess

ps.. you also need to email me back!! lol (I love hearing from you!!)