According to Reader's Digest, you've probably got a great accessory right in you kitchen: your dishwasher!
"As long as you wait until it's full to run it, it uses less than a third of the water that you'd use doing the job by hand. And for extra points...go ahead and scrape your dishes but don't rinse them before loading...A good modern dishwasher should be able to do the job without your help." (April, 2008, pg. 87)
That's right. No more rasin hands. No more cricks in your neck from hunching over your sink. No more rinsing the dishes twice because by the sweat of your brow you've gotten them dirty again. Kiss that sponge good-bye and say hello to modern convenience and environmental friendliness. What could be better?

On a side note, I do actually enjoy doing's kind of like therapy. But it's nice to know that when I'm not in the mood for therapy, my dishwasher can do the job. ;-)
1 comment:
so I'm curious...did you pick out the dishes that would be in the picture? Those were a lot of colorful dishes. It was a beautiful dishwasher full of colors!
I sure hope I can convince mom of this eco-friendly dishwasher pattern. While I will wash dishes, it's not my favorite thing to do.
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