On a more somber note, it is with great regret that we announce the passing of Gabriel the Guppy. He was a shy sort of fellow who shared his color and joy with the small world he inhabited.
Gabriel was buried at sea.
He will surely be missed.
"...I have come that they might have life and have it abundantly." ~John 10:10
Monday, April 21, 2008
Paint Your Dishwasher Green!
Yearning to do something right for the environment, but lack the funds, energy, and time?

On a side note, I do actually enjoy doing dishes...it's kind of like therapy. But it's nice to know that when I'm not in the mood for therapy, my dishwasher can do the job. ;-)
According to Reader's Digest, you've probably got a great accessory right in you kitchen: your dishwasher!
"As long as you wait until it's full to run it, it uses less than a third of the water that you'd use doing the job by hand. And for extra points...go ahead and scrape your dishes but don't rinse them before loading...A good modern dishwasher should be able to do the job without your help." (April, 2008, pg. 87)
That's right. No more rasin hands. No more cricks in your neck from hunching over your sink. No more rinsing the dishes twice because by the sweat of your brow you've gotten them dirty again. Kiss that sponge good-bye and say hello to modern convenience and environmental friendliness. What could be better?

On a side note, I do actually enjoy doing dishes...it's kind of like therapy. But it's nice to know that when I'm not in the mood for therapy, my dishwasher can do the job. ;-)
Posts by Lydia
Thursday, April 17, 2008
We Live in a Meat Packing Plant
Kevin: "I'm not kidding, babe, when I get up in the morning and walk out into the living room, [it's so cold that] I expect to see cows hanging from the ceiling."

Posts by Lydia
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Academic Awards Ceremony, 2008
Kevin Lee Fowler,
Outstanding Student Teacher In the Secondary Grades!
Kevin is currently finishing his Bachelor of Arts degree at Maryville College. He will graduate in May of 2008 with a degree in Political Science and History for Teacher Licensure. He's a strapping fellow, at 6'0" tall and can be spotted these days roaming the halls of Maryville High School as a Student Teacher of two blocks of history instruction.
Post graduation, Kevin's going to be teaching in the good ol' state of Tennessee (or as we say tan-UH-say), we're just not sure where yet. We have no doubt however, that whereever Kevin goes, he'll be sure to build upon the great skills that garnished him this dubious award.
Kevin is currently finishing his Bachelor of Arts degree at Maryville College. He will graduate in May of 2008 with a degree in Political Science and History for Teacher Licensure. He's a strapping fellow, at 6'0" tall and can be spotted these days roaming the halls of Maryville High School as a Student Teacher of two blocks of history instruction.
Post graduation, Kevin's going to be teaching in the good ol' state of Tennessee (or as we say tan-UH-say), we're just not sure where yet. We have no doubt however, that whereever Kevin goes, he'll be sure to build upon the great skills that garnished him this dubious award.
From all of us here at the Garage Apartment,
Congratulations, Kevin!
Posts by Lydia
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
There was....
....a scorpion in our bed last night.

It pretty much scared the living tar out of me. I didn't sleep well, because I was just imagining his cousins, friends, aunts, and girlfriend crawling through our sheets as we slept....
And when I awoke, all I could think about was how if Eve hadn't eaten the fruit, we wouldn't have gotten kicked out of the Garden, and there would be no animosity between me and an animal that is the size of my big toe, and we wouldn't have had to flush the toilet three times to make sure he didn't crawl back up!
p.s. we have no photographic proof that such animal briefly inhabited our sheets; but in defiance, I'm posting some random baby animal pictures. :-D

Posts by Lydia
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
To: Hannah
In response to Hannah's comment posted on March 30, 2008 responding to my post from March 7, 2008:
You're right--in Scripture, God does not state clearly that He is male or female. Essentially, God is neither. He is spirit. However, it is unfair to the integrity of the whole of Scripture to analyze three names of God and, since those names are void of distinct gender, declare that God is thus defined as either male or female according to one's individual preference.
First, there is the Bible itself, wherein through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, those who penned God's Holy Word, used masculinity to refer to God. Essentially, believing in infallibility of Scripture means trusting God is who He says He is, and if He chooses to refer to Himself using a masculine article, He is doing that for a reason. Nowhere in the Bible is the pronoun "she" ascribed.
I also must raise the testimony of Jesus when speaking directly to God. Jesus himself calls God repeatedly his Father (Matthew 6:9 and 10:32; Luke 23; John 3:35, 6:44, 10:30, 14:6, 14:23, 20:21), a title none can argue as feminine.
In regard to your question about an abused woman relating to a male-ascribed God, I agree with the difficulty and pain she would face. I personally know several women who have difficulty related to God as Father because of the abuse or neglect they suffered at the hands of their earthly fathers. Is it been difficult? Absolutely. Does this mean God can be molded to fit what makes them comfortable? Absolutely not.
A woman abused by a male in her life cannot expect her husband to be other than who he is. The fact that he is male makes her uncomfortable on account of the wrong someone else did to her. He cannot, however, change the essence of who he is to make her more comfortable. It is the same way with God. Essentially, one must trust that the work of the Holy Spirit can heal a wounded heart, and see God for who He truly is.
God does not long that we are shrouded in confusion and perplexity about His nature and His character. He has revealed Himself to us in the Bible, and, a strict interpretation of the text reveals Him as "Him" not as "Her" or "She."
If on the testimony of Jesus alone, God is "Our Father, who art in Heaven...."
You're right--in Scripture, God does not state clearly that He is male or female. Essentially, God is neither. He is spirit. However, it is unfair to the integrity of the whole of Scripture to analyze three names of God and, since those names are void of distinct gender, declare that God is thus defined as either male or female according to one's individual preference.
First, there is the Bible itself, wherein through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, those who penned God's Holy Word, used masculinity to refer to God. Essentially, believing in infallibility of Scripture means trusting God is who He says He is, and if He chooses to refer to Himself using a masculine article, He is doing that for a reason. Nowhere in the Bible is the pronoun "she" ascribed.
I also must raise the testimony of Jesus when speaking directly to God. Jesus himself calls God repeatedly his Father (Matthew 6:9 and 10:32; Luke 23; John 3:35, 6:44, 10:30, 14:6, 14:23, 20:21), a title none can argue as feminine.
In regard to your question about an abused woman relating to a male-ascribed God, I agree with the difficulty and pain she would face. I personally know several women who have difficulty related to God as Father because of the abuse or neglect they suffered at the hands of their earthly fathers. Is it been difficult? Absolutely. Does this mean God can be molded to fit what makes them comfortable? Absolutely not.
A woman abused by a male in her life cannot expect her husband to be other than who he is. The fact that he is male makes her uncomfortable on account of the wrong someone else did to her. He cannot, however, change the essence of who he is to make her more comfortable. It is the same way with God. Essentially, one must trust that the work of the Holy Spirit can heal a wounded heart, and see God for who He truly is.
God does not long that we are shrouded in confusion and perplexity about His nature and His character. He has revealed Himself to us in the Bible, and, a strict interpretation of the text reveals Him as "Him" not as "Her" or "She."
If on the testimony of Jesus alone, God is "Our Father, who art in Heaven...."
Posts by Lydia
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Mom and Dad Came to Visit (a long, long time ago!)
So, what can I say? I'm behind!
Mom and Dad in the Cove. Aren't they pretty?
We had beautiful crisp, clear weather and the crowds weren't too bad.
Mom and Dad Skidmore made the long, arduous drive from Ft. Worth, Texas to good 'ole Maryville, TN the day after Christmas, arriving at dinner time. We gave them the grand Tennessee treatment: Cade's Cove, home-cooked Fowler meal, and a gift exchange at our house. I thought I'd just post a couple pictures of our trip to Cade's Cove.
Mom and Dad in the Cove. Aren't they pretty?
We had beautiful crisp, clear weather and the crowds weren't too bad.
A ten-point buck Kevin caught on film. The park is full of wildlife, but visitors aren't always lucky enough to see them. This one was just walking on the side of the road.
If you want to see more pictures from our time with Mom and Dad, they are under our '08 Christmas album link to the right.
We loved having them come visit, and we greatly anticipate their next visit, which is in only a month and a half for Kevin's graduation!
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