And buy produce.
Admittedly the rhyme needs work. However, while Kevin was in Gettysburg last week (I guess the prompt posting needs some work, too), I set to work. Along with our newly-acquired piano (which has already given me hours of enjoyment), I've decided to take up painting. For my first project, I tried a paint-by-gray-scale (instead of paint-by-number). It wasn't super impressive, so it will probably eventually go to meet its maker in a landfill of some sort (shh! Don't tell Al Gore--who will incidentally be at UT next week for an honorary degree...).
What I did learn, though, is that I'm pretty good at the abstract. Forget still life; abstract is where it's at! So, after several laborious hours that produced a thoroughly disappointing attempt at a masterpiece (the packaging lied!), I set my mind free and this is what I came up with:
(the one on the top)
Then, I proceeded to my second attempt at abstract, which I like, but I'm not crazy about. It does make a nice, whimsical entry-way piece (complete with monogrammed letters spray painted by yours truly).
P.S. If you're wondering where the produce of my rhyme is, I'll get around to it eventually. The pictures aren't loading properly and I don't have the patience to wait for them to.
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