Friday, December 18, 2009

Who Says Teaching is a Thankless Job?

Well, for most of the year, maybe it is. But, let me tell you, come Christmas time, Kevin sure cleans up (ahem, see above image)! And the best part is I get much of the benefit of the gifts, seeing as how many of them are girly note pads and post-it notes that he has little interest in. :)

And then, of course, there are other benefits of this time of year, like the encouragement to keep going.

My favorite one (currently lighting up the coffee table he's sleeping next to so that its luminescence can softly pull him from his slumber).

Teaching (whether personally or professionally) is no easy task. I'm very proud of my husband, who is a qualified, hard-working, dedicated, passionate, gifted man. At times, though, it's nice to know that I'm not the only one who feels this way. :)

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