It's been a hectic past couple of weeks on my side. Things at work have picked up tremendously, and so often it's all I can do to fall into bed at a decent hour. With that said, we've also had several visits from some very special people!
Back in June Len Turner (who's studying at Princeton Theological Seminary) and Laura Palmer (who's studying at Columbia Theological seminary in Atlanta) stopped in for a visit. These two ladies are much of what got me through college! I could not have made it as far, and I would not nearly have the GREAT memories I have without them. I'm so grateful for their friendship, love, support, and--most importantly--brutal honesty. Yay Termates! :-)

Just a couple weeks ago, Thomas and Stephanie Russell, also friends from college stopped by. We've missed them greatly since they moved to Arkansas recently. It was a quick stop-in, but we were so grateful they made a couple hours for us. It's been fun to meet up with them on the Wii's and play some competitive MarioKart. :)

And last, my cousin, Megan came down from Michigan with an interpretive dance group to perform at a church in Loudon, just a few miles south of here. I was sad I couldn't see her performance because of my work schedule, but they did let us steal here for a night. It was super fun to see how this young lady, who I've not seen since my wedding (almost two years ago!), has grown in the Lord and matured into a young lady. I remember changing her diaper!!! :)

After a pizza dinner, we spent the evening playing on the Wii. I think we played every sport on there (baseball, bowling, golf, tennis, and boxing) at least once. Kevin showed her how to play Baseball. :)

And that's out story these days! We've been so inspired by the traveling of others that we're embarking on a six-day trip on Sunday. Where are we going? Well, maybe you should just wait and see...But I can tell you that it's supposed to rain the ENTIRE time we're there, and most of what we had planned were outdoor options....We'll be sure to let you know how it goes! :)