....everyone thought like me."
Okay, so obviously (and hopefully), most of you disagree with that statement. Practically, it doesn't make sense and realistically, it's impossible.
Isn't it funny, though, how often we fall into that trap? Or, more accurately, how we live our day-to-day lives functioning in that mindset?
I have been married a mere nine months as of this past Monday--a very short amount of time in light of the rest of our lives. There is much I have learned about my husband over our time as a married couple, but one thing that pricelessly compares to all others is this: I can never underestimate the need to stop, take a step back, and evaluate things from his perspective.
Our differences extend far beyond me being a woman and him being a man. Indeed, that is a huge part of it--I like to talk; he likes to do. I am a multi-tasker; he is focused. I like to shop; he likes to...not.
So often, though, if I take a moment to remove myself from the situation and attempt to see the side of not just Kevin the man, but Kevin the person, I can see where he's coming from. It doesn't mean that I always agree with him or that we still don't have to work through to find an agreeable solution, but at least I'm aware that his point is valid--if nothing else than from his point of view.
I'm not very good at this--especially towards people that I come into contact with for micro-seconds during my day. The person that cut me off this morning? Naturally, he's a wreckless driver. In reality, though, he may only be late from his lunch break--not an excuse, but an explanation, mind you. Have you ever been ticked that a person dared to drive past you with his brights on, but when you got home you realized that yours were on too? Yeah...oops. Most of my examples come from driving because I'm on the road a lot. But I'm sure you've got your own examples of pet peeves that maybe wouldn't peeve you so much if the other person's perspective was really, I mean REALLY, taken into consideration...
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