So, the other day, we were sitting in the living room, and up flew a hummingbird. He flew to our porch, hovered for a few seconds, and off he went to conquer another day. Not one to let a great opportunity like that get away, I immediately (well,
almost immediately) skittered out and purchased a hummingbird feeder. My hopes were slim that we'd actually attract something, but, boy, have we ever!
Needless to say, the nectar I mix more often than not attracts more than just hummingbirds...

And, as yet, I have not gotten a picture of the guys at the actual feeder--they're just too fast! But I did get a picture of this one. He seems to rule the roost. They're very territorial animals, and so we're constantly watching as no less than four of them war over our one feeder. I'm thinking it's time to invest in another one, huh?
Isn't he cute?

And, well, we've still got our own bird to contend with. He seems to be getting over his adolescent stage, as he's developed a habit of sitting on the back of the couch and nibbling at our hair, fluttering from perch to perch, or helping Kevin with his work. :)

Last, we're still on track to run our 5k. Though a weekend getaway a couple weekends ago put us off schedule a bit in our training, we did run 25 minutes straight on Cedar Bluff this morning. It's quite the humbling experience knowing that the people in their cars are probably laughing at me as I scuttle along down the street. Kevin is much more impressive in his running. :) We're scheduled for an October 2
nd 5k run through downtown Knoxville. Should be fun! :)
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