When I hit middle school, I decided that bangs were for little girls, and I would grow mine out! I held onto that bangs-are-for-little-girls mentality until recently, when I noticed they were starting to make a come-back (along with pink eye shadow and fluorescent tights, but we'll leave those to another day). For a while, my mom's been telling me for a while that I need to cover up my forehead because nobody should be subjected to that much white, which are not her exact words, but I'm good at deducing.
So, while down at the Fowler's today, I petitioned a hair cut out of my mother-in-law, bangs and all! As she's never cut my hair before, I think she was a bit nervous (probably because Kevin told her I'd never speak to her again if she messed up, which is not true--it would only be a week at most).
But we needn't have worried--she did a marvelous job!
So, here's my new do! What do you think?
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