And I even made up my side of the bed. :)
"...I have come that they might have life and have it abundantly." ~John 10:10
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Saturday at the Fowlers
For those of you who think I'm the lazy, bed head who sleeps all day on a Saturday, here's your proof!
Although in his defense, he is working very diligently on the school's yearbook, which will be done in--count it--ONE WEEK!
And I even made up my side of the bed. :)
And I even made up my side of the bed. :)
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Bang, Bang!
Growing up, I had bangs that started at the base of my skull and ran all the way to my eyelashes. I don't begrudge my mother this--after all, it was the 80's, and, well, mile-high hair was in (as were Vanilla Ice and Jammers, but let's just not go there).
When I hit middle school, I decided that bangs were for little girls, and I would grow mine out! I held onto that bangs-are-for-little-girls mentality until recently, when I noticed they were starting to make a come-back (along with pink eye shadow and fluorescent tights, but we'll leave those to another day). For a while, my mom's been telling me for a while that I need to cover up my forehead because nobody should be subjected to that much white, which are not her exact words, but I'm good at deducing.
So, while down at the Fowler's today, I petitioned a hair cut out of my mother-in-law, bangs and all! As she's never cut my hair before, I think she was a bit nervous (probably because Kevin told her I'd never speak to her again if she messed up, which is not true--it would only be a week at most).
But we needn't have worried--she did a marvelous job!
So, here's my new do! What do you think?
Ahem, well, while my photography skills definitely need honing, here's a better picture with some light attached to it.
Now, I'm afraid to go take a shower for fear I'll never get it to look this good again!
When I hit middle school, I decided that bangs were for little girls, and I would grow mine out! I held onto that bangs-are-for-little-girls mentality until recently, when I noticed they were starting to make a come-back (along with pink eye shadow and fluorescent tights, but we'll leave those to another day). For a while, my mom's been telling me for a while that I need to cover up my forehead because nobody should be subjected to that much white, which are not her exact words, but I'm good at deducing.
So, while down at the Fowler's today, I petitioned a hair cut out of my mother-in-law, bangs and all! As she's never cut my hair before, I think she was a bit nervous (probably because Kevin told her I'd never speak to her again if she messed up, which is not true--it would only be a week at most).
But we needn't have worried--she did a marvelous job!
So, here's my new do! What do you think?
Everyday Adventures
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Have Passport; Will Travel (Part II)
So, while the rule in the previous post about knowing where something is until the exact moment you need it still applies, the second part of that rule reads as follows:
"Once final and thorough means to locate _______ have been exhausted and means to replace _______ have been enacted, ________ will be found." [once again fill in the blank with lost item of your choice.]
We knew it was going to happen. All members of my immediate family that I consulted regarding replacing said document affirmed that it would be found...eventually. So, the semi-rational part of me was thinking, "If that's the case, let's just go file for the darn thing and I'll find the old one all the sooner!" Never mind that it's not cheap to replace them--I was just wanting it found.
And, alas, I wish I could tell you I saw a vision in the heavens on my drive home from that infamous Post Office (anyone for the miraculous gifts of the Spirit?). Or even that I was holding it in my hands all along, just like happens with my keys, oh, every other day! Or even that when I got home, it was right underneath the desk that I've searched within an inch of its life over the last month and a half of looking.
But it's not that exciting. I was cleaning out a shelf at work (AT WORK, I tell you!), and there it was--inside an old day planner (a DAY PLANNER, for goodness sake!). Why did I put it there? I don't know. When did I put it there? Haven't the foggiest. Would I ever, in a million years, have though to look there? No on your life!
So, as Kevin says, it was meant to be. I must trust that since my old passport was due to expire next year anyway, there's a reason the Lord wants me to have a valid one for the next ten years. (which, I'll admit, kind of excites me :).
The new one is joining me for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and everything in between (short of maybe a bath). I'm stapling this baby to my backside and not letting go.
'Cuz look out, Europe!
Everyday Adventures,
Field Trips
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