Oh, how I love thee--let me count the ways....
I know many women whose husbands like them to keep their hair long. This, for the wives, is an act of love to keep their hair long in deference to their husbands likes. They please their husbands in this way, and in so doing, show him their love.
Kevin, however, is no such husband. I have complete and utter freedom when it comes to the length of my hair (although he did nix the "shave it all off" idea I had during college).
So when, recently, I started to get my every-two-year hankering to chop it all off, he was all for it. And, thus the search began. I look at magazines, pictures on the Internet, and started observing in my own day-to-day life at UT what looked good on what girls with which face shapes.
I finally settled that instead of going short, short, I'd go a bit longer than short and then go short later if I still wanted to do it. So, Sunday night, I headed to SuperCuts (we're on a budget here, folks! :). Chesleigh, my new favorite stylist, did exactly what I wanted. She cut my hair to shoulder length with just a bit of layering around my face. I got home, and Kevin exulted at how much he loved it.
But I just wasn't satisfied. My face is long already and the shoulder-length style pulled it even longer. So, Monday I called Chesleigh back and asked if I could come back and whack it all off.
Thus, friends, I am now sporting the shortest do I've had since probably kindergarten.
Truth be told, I LOVE IT!
...and so does my husband. :)
I had fun taking some pictures to send to Mom Fowler and Mom Skidmore.
The night I got it done:
...and after I learned a bit how to style it.
(and with a little photoshop help! :)