It wasn't exactly a restful vacation, but it was lots and lots of you can see from the following pictures. :)
For starters, as we touched down in Houston, there were some absolutely phenomenal clouds. What an amazing Creator we have!
Can you see the rainbow in this one?
So, as previously stated, the whole point of the trip was to go through EVERYTHING I've ever owned and either keep it or chuck it. The following picture is of the boxes my parents hauled out of the attic for me to go through...what a trip down memory lane!!!!
So, anybody remember P.J. Sparkle...anybody? I waited an entire year for this doll...She is now being passed on to a family whose children can use her much more than I can. :) Miraculously, she still worked!
Mom and Dad took us out to a great BBQ restaurant--the name eludes me at the moment. It was an appropriate ending to a very busy day.
And we left the next morning...
The Dallas, TX skyline as we drove through.
There was lots of this...
and this...
...and this. 
(don't worry--he's only posing)
And of course, lots of driving...
I got the middle jump seat most often. Surprisingly, I came to prefer it. :)
After two full days in the U-Haul, we made it to Vonore, where we unloaded a house full of furniture, which joined the bedroom suite in our other Mom and Dad's basement.
Kevin and Jim unloading our new kitchen table!
Steve unloading our new coffee table!
Melinda, Myranda, and Marysa--our cheerleaders (sister-in-law and nieces).
Even Austin, Melinda's third child, helped!
And thus ends our trip. Dad stayed for the night on our couch and we took him to the airport in the morning. We're very grateful to both sets of parents for both giving and storing our new furniture.
And we're anxiously awaiting our next move so we can actually use everything! :)