I guess I wasn't quite sure what to expect from this holiday season. It would be my first Christmas with my husband as my husband, my first Christmas with in-laws, and my first Christmas without my family (which my parents decided to remedy, but more on that later).
We did decorate our apartment with a little tree and a ceramic nativity from my Aunt Sus
an. It was quite a cozy piece of Christmas cheer, if I do say so. We had (and still actually have) a wreath on our front door to welcome guests. But I think my favorite part of our Christmas decorations was the stockings hanging from our matle. Kevin had never had a stocking growing up; I had never NOT had a stocking growing up. So, I bought him one and myself one. His is navy and gold; mine is purple and gold--yay for coordinating colors! :)
Christmas Eve, we went to Kevin's parent's house for their annual Christmas party. What a party! There was more food than I could eat in a week, thanks to Lovonda, Kevin's mom, and Malinda, Kevin's brother's wife. Eight tiny children were running all over the house, minus, of course, the youngest Caleb, who is a mere 5 months old. Into the night
, we were actually visited by the REAL Santa Clause--who was strangely remeniscent of a recently released Sean Connery in "The Rock." He did, however, manage to convince most of the children to sit on his lap, including Kevin's youngest Uncle, Danny, who has Down's Syndrome.
After Santa left, the Fowler family exchanged presents. It was, as Kevin put it, "organized chaos." I was more excited to give the presents we had brought than I was to get presents we were given. We gave each adult couple a framed picture of the entire Fowler family from our wedding--a beautiful picture taken by Jonathan Howe. The kids got games, a bracelet-making kit, and a journal, respectively. And I was honestly surprised...at how much I felt at home. It was not the home I grew up in, nor are they people I have known very long, but I felt comfortable, and I truly enjoyed my first Christmas in the Fowler home, and I'm looking forward to the next.
On Christmas Day, Kevin and I slept late and opened presents from each other. He got a blue leather ESV bible from me, and I got a wood free-standing jewelry box from him. We also had an early steak dinner before I headed off to work.
On the whole, I greatly enjoyed my first married Christmas. It was a chance to spend more time getting to know my in-laws and a little time off with my husband. There's a great difference between what once was my Christmas experience (gifts galore and a letdown afterward) and what is now my Christmas--time with family, sharing one or two well-thought-out gifts. The former is the innocence of a child; the latter is the joy of an adult.
We did decorate our apartment with a little tree and a ceramic nativity from my Aunt Sus
Christmas Eve, we went to Kevin's parent's house for their annual Christmas party. What a party! There was more food than I could eat in a week, thanks to Lovonda, Kevin's mom, and Malinda, Kevin's brother's wife. Eight tiny children were running all over the house, minus, of course, the youngest Caleb, who is a mere 5 months old. Into the night
After Santa left, the Fowler family exchanged presents. It was, as Kevin put it, "organized chaos." I was more excited to give the presents we had brought than I was to get presents we were given. We gave each adult couple a framed picture of the entire Fowler family from our wedding--a beautiful picture taken by Jonathan Howe. The kids got games, a bracelet-making kit, and a journal, respectively. And I was honestly surprised...at how much I felt at home. It was not the home I grew up in, nor are they people I have known very long, but I felt comfortable, and I truly enjoyed my first Christmas in the Fowler home, and I'm looking forward to the next.
On Christmas Day, Kevin and I slept late and opened presents from each other. He got a blue leather ESV bible from me, and I got a wood free-standing jewelry box from him. We also had an early steak dinner before I headed off to work.
On the whole, I greatly enjoyed my first married Christmas. It was a chance to spend more time getting to know my in-laws and a little time off with my husband. There's a great difference between what once was my Christmas experience (gifts galore and a letdown afterward) and what is now my Christmas--time with family, sharing one or two well-thought-out gifts. The former is the innocence of a child; the latter is the joy of an adult.
My our Christmasses continue to be a celebration of what's really important. :)
To see our entire Christmas album click here.